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Monday, March 3, 2014


When we were first diagnosed with type one diabetes, I hated food. I hated the fact the food was no longer something to enjoy but it was medicine for Rose. Here's the thing when you are diabetic you eat food so you don't have low blood sugar and go into a coma. But if you eat the wrong type of food then you can go from a blood sugar of  40 to 300 in a matter of seconds. So we have to be very particular in the types of food we let Rose eat. The sad thing is trying to explain to a three year old why she can't eat the same thing her friends are eating. But here is the truth, I would hate being told that too. In fact because some types of food are not healthy for me make them very appealing to me. Especially on a day like today when I feel like a horrible parent. I don't know if it is because I am self destructive, so why not eat bad things for me, or if I find comfort in food when nothing else will relax me. Either way looking at food that way probably isn't healthy. I know I have some food issues, and I think everybody does.

When we are younger food is what comes us down. When a baby nurses they release hormones that relax and soothe themselves. Have you ever seen a baby after it nurses. I call it the milk coma. They are completely relaxed and content. So as adults we search for food that do the exact same thing. The problem is now we have artificial food that is addicting and once we start eating something we just can't stop. But we  can't quit cold turkey from eating. So it is a fine line we have to walk.

I have dabbled in eating vegan, gluten free, and trying to count calories. But the truth is I have no will power against food. I get cranky and mad when I can't eat what I am craving. Kind of like my one year old. I need to figure out how to get over my own bad relationship with food, because I have a child who will struggle with food her whole life. Rose has snuck food from our pantry and/eaten it with out telling us. She is three and is always under my care. I can't even begin to imagine what she will be like as a teenager if we don't teach her the right way to eat and think about her food. The big question for me though is how I am going to do it.

I guess the biggest thing for me and her is making a good food choice every time we are hungry. If I choose good food for every meal then eventually we will be eating healthier, right? In the long run it will be good for us, but man is it hard.

1 comment:

  1. You can make yummy, low carb treats and foods that are similar to what you've been used to. My two favorite recipe sources are and I was originally misdiagnosed type 2, and tried my best to control my blood sugar with diet and exercise. However, even with the correct diagnosis and insulin, it is much easier to keep carb counts low and insulin needs lower. Winco is a great source for low carb ingredients in the bulk section, and I find the rest of what I need on amazon. It is hard, and there are many times I make two meals, one for my family, and one for me, but you can do this!
