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Monday, March 10, 2014

The Fricking Tri-fecta...

I hate food once again.  I want nothing to do with it.  It know it didn't cause the issues that my child is having with food but I need to blame something.  We found out today that not only does Rose have Type One Diabetes, she has high cholesterol and has a gluten intolerance.  Just when I thought I was getting the diabetes thing under control.  Ha,  I guessed wrong.  So here is the thing.  It is still early to know how allergic Rose is to gluten so we have to meet with gastrologist to find out how severe it is.  But this explains why she has been having stomach aches after she eats.  I had a gut feeling this was going to happen but seriously I was trying to avoid the truth.  Today I am just angry that we are forced once again to change everything that we eat.

I will post more later about what all of this means for our diet, but I am in a daze right now.  I don't want this to be true.  It is bad enough she has to give her self shots but now we have to restrict her diet even more.  What do I feed her that doesn't have gluten or any animal bi-product.  Yep, that is right it leaves me with Fruits and Vegetables.  I guess we will get to know some pretty good recipes about eating fruits and veges.  I know I need to be positive but holy cow, we can't catch a break sometimes.

On the positive note, we will all be a ton skinnier, right.  No more binge eating for me on carbs when my child isn't looking.  No more ice cream for us.  We will have to be better eaters whether we like it or not.  We have one last week of regular eating.  Next Monday is when we are hopefully going to change our diet.  If you have any good recipes or food that you love please, please, please send them my way.  I am at a complete loss of how to feed my family.


  1. Ashlee, there is so much available out there...don't give up hope! You can still have lots of yummy things, you just have to find good recipes. The Paleo diet would help with both the gluten and cholesterol. It seems counter intuitive, but more of the right fats will help balance out the cholesterol, not throwing them all out. Take heart. There is hope. :)

  2. Definitely look in to paleo as Chris said. It helped our Jonah, who is also a t1d with Celiac and cholesterol issues ;)
    <3 fellow POKED mama

  3. I'm so sorry Ashley. That is a fear of mine too. The past two days Jaelle has complained of her belly hurting really bad (more than other times) and it scares me. So how did you find out about the high cholesterol and needing to eat gluten free food? What tests did you have. I hear ya about hating food. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this.

  4. I just realized I spelled your name wrong. SORRY!!

  5. Ashley, the wholefoods app has a bunch of great gluten free, vegan, etc. recipes! (plus the app is free)
