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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Busy, busy, sick

We have been running around with our heads cut off around here. I have been watching a little girl three days a week, went to a JDRF fundraiser, rode four wheelers, did scouts twice, fought with medicaid about Roses medicine, went to Dr. Flynn's for our endocrinology appointment with out my husband, held Rose while she got her blood drawn, James cut four molars, cleaning the entire apartment from top to bottom, did eight loads of laundry yesterday, took the kids to four library story times, and had eight cavities filled in the last two weeks.  We are exhausted and I think it is finally catching up to me. I have come down with a horrible cold and I am hoping it goes away soon. I don't have time to be sick. Here is a short update on Rose before I go to bed at 8PM. Yes, I am so a mom going to bed at 8 on a Saturday night.

Rose has been doing excellent with her injection therapy. We have fine tuned her long lasting insulin to 2.5 units and increased her carb to insulin ratio which has kept her blood glucose range between 90-200. Perfect. We did get the results back from our blood work and Rose has High cholesterol. Which means we will be meeting with a dietician specialist to figure out how we can get her cholesterol lowered. I never thought I would be worrying about cholesterol in my three year old. We are thinking we will probably go plant based again. We did it last year for a couple months 85% of the time but if we go that route again it will have to be 100% to get it down fast. I am so not looking forward to it but I would much rather change our diet than get Rose on medication. She is just to young to be dependent on a statin, with out trying everything else first. If we start going plant based I will let you know. This a deep conversation that I need to discuss with my husband.

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