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Wednesday, March 19, 2014


We have been running around with our heads cut off around here.  I am just trying to keep sane so blogging has fallen to the way side.  We have not gone gluten free because we have to wait for our appointment with our gastroenterology (GI) on the 31st of March.  We are in limbo and it is so hard.  Every time I feed her gluten I know it is making her feel sick but I can't go gluten free until we meet with the GI.  So we wait and I am trying to collect as many meals and snack ideas I can find.  I am also trying to plan four weeks of gluten free so that when it comes time to change I can just focus on changing my eating habits not what I am going to fix for dinner.  There are so many great recipes out there and I am getting excited about it.  Hopefully tomorrow I can start posting some of my plans about how we are going to change our eating habits and my daily eating plans.  But today I just wanted to catch up with some pictures of what we have been up to around here.

First Little Princess Rose had some fun with some scissors.  She cut a ton of hair off.  I was so upset, but I was also so glad that she did that after we had met with all of those businesses last week. Here is the damage that was done.  Hair spraying the top of her head and doing a side ponytail covers it up pretty well.

 James was not so innocent this last week either.  He is such a monkey.  He gets into everything around my house.   The first picture is of his painting he did on his face with whiteout.  He got some in his mouth that he was not so happy about.
 We have construction going on outside of our window across the canal.  Well this is where I will always find James.  Not just looking at the tractors sitting nicely on the couch but in my window sill.
 We took James to the pediatrician for his 18 month check up which ended up being good.  We found out that he has his first ear infection and they gave him an antibiotic.  Literally two seconds ago Rose came in yelling that James was in something.  I went to my kitchen and this is what I found.  James opened up his child proof medicine cap and dumped it all out on the counter.  Apparently child proof isn't so child proof for James.  I don't even think Rose could open it up.  Crazy boy.

Oh and if you haven't noticed James is in a diaper in all of these.  He refuses to wear his clothes and when I get his clothes on he takes them off.  So he wears a diaper in the house.  Even keeping his diaper on is a fight most days. It isn't worth the fight most of the time. 

We have also been going to the park as much as possible as a family.  The kids love it and I can take a breath and not be afraid they are going to get into something they are not supposed to. 

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