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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Face of a T1D Child

I was talking to my husband this morning about Jerry the Bear and he brought up that fact that you can almost tell all the children that have T1D just by looking at their face.  They always have a sheepish look about them.  I started remembering what Rose used to look like before she was diagnosed.  She was so outgoing and afraid of nothing.  Now sometimes when I look at her it is almost though I can see stress, nervousness, or ashamed for something she can not control.  It kills me to think that this disease might hold her back.  She deserves the world and I can't give that to her.  I can do my best to make her feel normal but the truth is I can't change her broken body.

On a lighter note, we had our three month check in with our endocrinologist. When we met with him a month after Rose's diagnosis she was at 7.7% with her A1C.  Our goal was to get a 7% at the next appointment.  Well I am very proud to say that we got a 6.6%.   That's right.  Diabetes might be our trial but right now I am kicking it's butt.  It was so nice to get medical confirmation that I am taking care of my child to the best of my ability.  I just need to keep it up which is sometimes the hardest part for me.  I do really good for short periods of times but keeping it up will be hard.

I mentioned Jerry the Bear above.  It is amazing.  Please take a moment to check out their website and if you can donate to them.  I can't even begin to tell you how amazing it would have been to be given this bear in the hospital when Rose was diagnosed. Every diabetic child should have Jerry the Bear.  We just purchased our pump, next is the Continuous Glucose Meter, and then Jerry the Bear is on my wish list for diabetic supplies. It is so sad that diabetic technology is what I want more than a house or a new car.  I want to be able to take care of Rose the best I can and having some of this wonderful new technology would be life changing for us.


  1. Ashlee,
    I know that Rose has changed somewhat. She is learning many new things and things not every three year old has to know. She really has many things that are the same as other three year olds. She is learning to trust again and finding her confidence. She is doing amazing well.
    We all have things that are not exactly right with our bodies but I truly believe that Heavenly Father created us just as he wants us to be. But as I look around I don't look at these challenges as making us broken. Maybe flawed but not broken. You or anyone else is not going to be able to fix her, but you can teach her how to accept the way she is and how to handle it and flourish. Her attitude about this disease will be a reflection of how you look at it. If we want her to live as normally as possible then we teach her that this is just a small bump that we will jump over and move on doing the best we can. She will be able to do anything she sets her mind to. Why should this hold her back? Many many people with challenges have gone on to be great. I love you and I know how this worries you. She is doing great, that is a reflection on you taking care of her. I think you should give yourself a little pat on the back. You and Rose have come along way from that day in Aug. Don't forget that she is doing well and that is not because she is doing this herself. Love you. Mom

  2. Thank Mom! I am so grateful for you and for your love and support. You are right she can accomplish anything and I hope to be able to give Rose her confidence back.
