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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

New Type 1 diabetic families

My second cousins son was diagnosed with type 1diabetes yesterday. I have been trying to figure out how to comfort their family and what would have made those first months easier. The hospital is so overwhelming learning all of this new terminology, learning how to count carbs, how to administer insulin, all while being in denial about the whole thing. You kind of go into what I call "sick kid mode". You do what has to be done hoping that there will be an end in sight. It is kind of like when you are taking care of your child who sick with the stomach flu. It is exhausting and you don't want to do it, but you do it just because it has to be done. Then you reach this point where it hits you like a ton of bricks. You are never going back to your old life and your child will never go another day without insulin being administered to them. It is devastating and sometimes you want to crawl back into your bed and hide from all of it. But you can't. This is your bitter cup to drink and you swallow hoping that tomorrow will not be so overwhelming.

It does get better but like my older sister says "Diabetes is not a sprint, it is a marathon." Take it one day at a time and sometimes even one meal at a time. When you have worked so hard to count carbs, make dinner, dose your child, feed everybody else, and feed yourself, remember to celebrate that you have made it through one more meal. Diabetes is a huge chronic disease that never goes away, so celebrate the little things .  Every BG that is in your range, celebrate.  Every time you read something new about the amazing technology out there for T1D's, celebrate. If you don't you get burnt out and begin to loose hope. You get discouraged and your child depends on you more than ever.

Remember you can do this and find other families that have been effected with type 1diabetes, too. They are your new support group and they will help you stay motivated and encouraged to keep taking care of your child to the best of your ability.

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