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Monday, February 24, 2014

Two steps forward...

Two steps forward and four backward.  I feel like I am just drowning today in everything.  Rose's BG was at 500 last night again.  And this morning she was at 240.  She has some keytones in her urine and has just been an emotional wreck.  Everything is the end of the world and I swear she has spent the majority of the day crying.  Not to mention Mr. James is at the hardest age ever.  He is 20 months and into EVERYTHING.  When I saw everything I mean it.  He climbs everything and nothing is safe.  All of my drawers are emptied out and on my counters so he can't get to the stuff.  My kitchen chairs are in permanent lock down in my bedroom so he can't climb them and get the stuff on the counters.  He is fast too.  He keeps me on my toes that is for sure.

So beside my kids being at really hard ages today we have ran out of insertions for Rose.  We have been waiting for our new insurance to start but they are taking their sweet time. I have called them every business day for the last week to check on it.  It still isn't done.  They don't understand that I have a child that needs medication in order for her to live. I keep trying to tell them that but they don't care. With out our new insurance it means we can't order any new pump supplies.  Which means we are doing needle therapy again for her. We always have syringes and pens on hand in case her pump stops working.  Rose has been very devastated about it.  She does not want to have her Lantus shot in her bum.  (I should mention that all of the medication that we use for Rose are located in the Supplies tab on the top of our blog.)  But she is enjoying rough housing with James not pulling on her pump tubing all of the time.  He is a character and knows exactly how to push  all people's buttons.

With all of that said I have gotten the house fairly cleaned, watch two little girls, hot glued all of the broken toys, did all of the laundry and put it away, and now I have even blogged.  It has been a pretty successful day but I could go with out all of the drama with the diabetes crap.  Don't tell my endocrinologist, but I am so far behind on my logs it is embarrassing.  And we have an appointment next Tuesday.  I have a lot of work ahead of me this week. Even though the last couple weeks have been so hard with the diabetes we have been so blessed.  My husband has been so helpful always talking my hysterical calls about how high Rose's BG is, my sweet Grandmother in law dropped of dinner and flowers tonight, my mom listened to me cry because I was so frustrated with everything today and she calmed me down, and my sister gave me hope.  She is always good at helping me remember the eternal perspective of my trials.  She read me this beautiful quote that I want to share today...

"Sometimes we will face things for which there is no earthly explanation.
 In those moments we need to erect a sign that reads, 'Quiet: God is at Work'
 Meanwhile, hold on, Child of God.
Keep believing.
Don't quit.
Don't give up.
Let God do his work in you.
The greatest tragedy is to miss what God wants to teach us through our troubles."

Why did this happen to me? by Ray Pritchard.

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