In May of 2014 we started looking for a new job for my husband. We had decided that will all of our medical expenses and diet change that we needed to find a job with consistent income. We looked and struggled financially until November 6th, when we received a conditional offer from Union Pacific. We were so excited to say the least. Brandon had been applying to Union Pacific for two years and we had just about lost hope with everything. The following week we drove to Hermiston, Oregon for Brandon's physical and eye sight check. He passed with flying colors and we waited for four more weeks for our official offer. Brandon was patient, it was a really big struggle for me. I kept feeling like it was the calm before the storm and started packing and making freezer meals to help with the move. I am so glad I did because on December 3, 2014 we received an official offer and we we needed to be in Hermiston, OR by Monday, December 8th. We had three days to finish packing move 4 hours away. It was a storm of packing, moving, finding a place to rent, and saying goodbye to all of our friends in the Treasure Valley. We arrived in Hermiston on December 6th and Brandon started working on December 8th. He loves his new job. He is an operations administrator who helps the office management with HR needs for the locomotives in Hinkle Oregon. It is his Dream company and we are so proud of him for getting this amazing new job. It was a struggle being unemployed for so long but we were taken care of as always, We are truly blessed. The kids are adjusting and I feel like I have lived in Hermiston my whole life. I am sure I will have times when I am homesick but for right now I am trying to help my kids adjust which is a lot easier said then done. Rose has struggled being away from friends and family. James could care less about the friends and more that his daddy is gone all day long. Once I told him that daddy worked with trains he is now proud to say that "Daddy gone, working trains."

In July, my little baby boy turned two. He is a sweet boy who loves his dad and sister. He is also very determined and stubborn. He will dig in his heels until he gets what he wants. He is also very supportive of his big sister. He asks to get his figure poked often just like Rose, and he also asks if things have gluten in them. He is very aware of his sisters needs and also knows nothing different. He was only one when she was diagnosed so as soon as he started eating food we had changed our diet. My two little kids love to play with each but they also know how to argue with one another. We had Benson checked for sensitivity to gluten and type one diabetes and he does not have any of the early signs of either of them. Some time in 2015 we will take him to see if he carries the gene of getting type one.
This year we visited, Eastern Idaho, Chicago, Salt Lake, Wash Away Beach, and Cascade, Idaho. It was a hard year but the blessings certainly out weigh the bad. Here is to a new year with fresh beginnings and to finding who we are and loving ourselves.